"All the believers were together and had everything in common. Selling their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone as he had need. Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people." - Acts 2:44-47a
This list of Ministries provides clear and supportive ways to contribute to the needs of the Body of Christ here in the Remnant Fellowship. It is such an indescribable joy to use a gift that GOD has given you for His purposes, and when that gift provides assistance to a Saint, the fulfillment is unequivocally satisfying.
Besides our Regional Fellowship Groups, we organize and meet the needs of the Body by demographic. We are blessed to have a FULL numerical representation across our Infants/Nursery-aged babies, Elementary-aged children, our Youth Group, Young Marrieds, Singles, and our Experienced (Senior) members. We praise GOD for this diverse, but unified in the Spirit, congregation of Saints!
Our members strengthen, encourage, and testify to each other regularly about how they have applied these Weigh Down and Remnant Fellowship teachings to their lives and how they have overcome the “pull” of their past sins. For these victories to occur, it takes Guidance and Visitation, which includes Fellowship.
Music is a very important part of Remnant Fellowship Church because the power of God’s music to change your attitude and to heal is true. Remnant Fellowship music moves us to focus on and worship God. When you are ready to change, you want the music that is from the Heavens. Almost all songs that are played and/or sung in our Assemblies are ORIGINAL and are written out of the overflow of the heart from a changed life.
GOD has graciously given this Church some of the most beautiful land…coupled with an incredibly designed, reverent, beautiful Church Sanctuary to call home here in our main Nashville location…where the Church was founded. While we know that the “Church” is made up of the people – the Body of Christ.
Remnant Fellowship is so much more than just a building where “people gather twice a week for worship Assemblies.” So many churches today, unfortunately, have turned into just that. But with this Church, our members literally cannot WAIT to see each other…ANYTIME the building is open for worship, gathering, fellowship, concerts, lunches and dinners, Festivals, picnics, Youth activities, and so much more!